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Meals & Nutrition

"A benefit to being enrolled at WCCC, which most centers don't offer, is that lunch and snacks are included. The healthy options provide variety and offer new flavors for my son to explore. Plus, it's one less thing to worry about when getting out the door in the morning."
-Julianne H., WCCC parent
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Included with our program, Toddler I – Pre-K children receive lunch and two snacks carefully planned through consultation with the campus dietitian and prepared fresh on site by William & Mary Dining Services.

For infants, formula and baby food is provided unless an alternative is supplied. Breastfeeding is supported in our facility and we offer a comfortable space where mothers can nurse or pump.


Meals are served in a communal environment, emphasizing friendship and family-style dining. Whole or 1% milk is served according to age for children over the age of 1 year.

For lunch, children enjoy entrees such as baked chicken parmesan with penne pasta, tortilla-crusted cod with rice, and cheese pizza. All lunches include vegetables and fruit as well. Snacks may include edamame and cheese crackers, sliced peppers, Greek yogurt, and whole wheat mini bagels with sunflower butter.

Williamsburg Campus Child Care is a nut-free facility and works with parents to accommodate a child’s dietary requirements.

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WCCC is licensed by the State of Virginia and provides meals and snacks through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) administered by the Virginia Department of Health.


WCCC has been designated a “Color Me Healthy Center” through the Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care Centers (NAP SACC) pilot project.

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