Forms & Policies
Parent Handbook
Completion of the enrollment packet includes acknowledgement of Williamsburg Campus Child Care policies and procedures as outlined in the Parent Handbook (pdf).
The Commonwealth of Virginia requires that this School Health Form(pdf) should be completed each time there is an update to the child’s vaccination record. Please have your pediatrician's office complete the form and return to the WCCC director.
OTC Skin Product authorization form
Use the OTC Topical Skin Product Authorization (pdf) to authorize bug spray, sunscreen, lotion, anti-itch creams, lip balm and any other over-the-counter topical skin product that your child needs. You can specify any length of time of authorization up to 6 months; fill a new form out at that time if you want to continue authorization. Double check the labels or container stamps on OTC skin products to ensure they have not expired.
prescription/non-prescription medication authorization form
Use the Medication Authorization Form (pdf) to authorize administration of medications such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol), or prescription medications. Authorizations are effective for 10 days, and can be extended up to 6 months with a physician’s signature. Nebulizer treatments and EpiPen/EpiPen Jr. require your doctor’s signature regardless. Double check labels or container stamps on medications to ensure they have not expired.
WCCC Policies

Full tuition is due for all snow and inclement weather closings.
WCCC will adhere to William & Mary’s administrative office’s closing schedule in case of snow or inclement weather (usually heavy snow or ice).
The university will remain open under most reasonably foreseeable weather conditions, especially during periods when classes are in schedule.
If weather conditions are such as to make it impossible to maintain a reasonable level of academic activity, the university will be closed. Such announcements will cancel all classes and work obligations for everyone except those personnel identified as essential to maintenance, security and health services.
Read more: William & Mary's Inclement Weather Policy.
The decision to close the university in full or in part will be communicated on, through the RAVE Emergency Notification system, and (as it affects WCCC) on the WCCC Facebook page and the Remind app.
The person appointed by the President to make such decisions regarding weather is the Provost (221-1993). Additional information on closings may also be obtained by calling 221-1SNO (1766).
Williamsburg Campus Child Care (WCCC) social media sites shall comply with the following standards and policies, including but not limited to the WCCC Facebook page for use by WCCC alumni and friends. WCCC social media sites shall be moderated by WCCC or its agent for compliance with WCCC’s social media policy.